Quiste oseo solitario pdf file

Afecta esencialmente al humero proximal y al femur proximal. Presentations ppt, key, pdf logging in or signing up. Curetajeaspiracion o inyeccion usando corticosteroides 90% o injerto oseo autologo 18. Terapeutica alternativa del quiste oseo aneurismatico. Its origin is mainly attribute to trauma theory, caused by intraosseous bleeding. Jun 07, 2015 quiste oseo simple quiste oseo unicameral unitario solitario escencial 9. Displasia fibrosa y quiste oseo ipsilateral del femur.

Histiocitosis x granuloma eosinofilo ge solitario o multiple, sin afectacion extraesqueleticas. Novell sala summary the authors present a case of essential bone cyst in the extended huir. Abstractsolitary bone cyst of the mandible is an intraosseous cavity lacking epithelial. Solitary bone cyst of the mandible is an intraosseous cavity lacking. Tratamiento del quiste oseo solitario con energia piramidal. We report a case of solid variant of aneurismal bone cyst at the pelvis. Quiste oseo esencial o solitario quiste oseo aneurismatico ii. The present article describes the case of a solitary bone cyst located in the body of the. Quiste oseo simple, quiste oseo solitario, quiste oseo.